Southern Air Fun Fly

June 9, 2007

It was a hot time in Vanceboro, but 43 pilots showed up for a great day of flying and fellowship. As ususal the folks of the Southern Air RC Club did a wonderful job. A wonderful time was had by everyone who attended.
Special thanks to the "Traveling Circus" from RDRC and Matt and Bob Richards of for helping us with the noon time shows.
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A lot of the guys spent the day just "hangin" around!


Some even decided to take "field" trips.


All the photos above represent Father and Son teams.


David Jones CD. Hmmm....that Raleigh crowd is at it again.

Main Prize winners from L-R. Ken Wisely, Dave Hedrick, Dustin Hedrick, and David Jones CD.


Seems everyone sported a new T-shirt but me.


The impound was well manned, the snack bar stayed busy and the field could not have looked better.


Just some of the many planes present today.


Joey Joyner from Rocky Mount prepares his plane for a flight.
Robert Vess and Larry Lewis from Raleigh having a grand old time, as usual.
Nick Baxter from Jacksonville showing us how to really ring it out.
Mark Farmer taking his plane for a spin.
Larry has fallen down laughing at friend Dave Hockadays nose dive.


Elton Fairless and CD David Jones swap notes.
Many thanks to the "Traveling Circus" It would not have been the same without them.
Nelson Phillips and Ronnie Small from Kinston seem to have their priorites in order.
There was tons of scale aerobats present.
The only casualty of the day. Hey Dave....don't pull till Larry says pull!

Random shots in no particular order.