Directory of Articles and Reviews
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Mountain Models Tantrum by David Jones
Ohio Model Planes Profile Edge GS540
Lanier Edge 540 Arf by Mark Poole
Ohio Ultimate 75" BiPlane by Mark Poole
Painting Small Parts by Darrol Cady
NiCd Battery Seminar By Mr. Red Scholefield
R/C Plane crosses Atlantic Ocean
Guide to R/C Flight
Copyright 1997 - 2000 © Howard Sullivan
Hardin County Flying Colors, Elizabethtown, Kentucky USA
Covering Models with Fiberglass Cloth
Set Up and Adjust an Idle-Up Mixer for the JR PCM 10SX, SXII and 10X
High Flight...a poem by John Gillespie Magee Jr.
Crystal Coast Club Newspaper Article
New Bern Aeromodelers Newspaper
How to detect
Mad Cow's Disease
Presented as a public service of Coastal Planes.Com
Why Women Live Longer than Men
How do you tell the difference between Liberals, Conservatives and Southerners?
Hobby Pox....You Might Infected
You Might Be A Modeler if...Author Unknown
Twas an R/Cers Christmas...Author Unknown
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